
Learn how to tie your shoes all over again

This gets a little painful to read the further you get..

Thought you knew how to tie your shoes? asap's Ray Kugler offers five ways people with different foot types should tie their shoes.

It was a big achievement when you were 5, and then you moved on. But there are secrets to tying your shoes not covered in your average kindergarten class. How you tie your shoe could make a big difference in the comfort of your feet, and specialists have devised different lacing schemes for different shapes and features of feet. Here are five tips:


1. If you have a problem with pressure on your big toe you should lace up just the side of the shoe away from the big toe. Run the lace from the bottom, inside eyelet by the big toe up through the top, outer eyelet. Run the other end of the lace through every eyelet.

2. If you have a narrow foot you will want to lift the sides of the shoe to fit your foot. You can do this by only lacing through the outside eyelets; most running shoes have staggered eyelets, with half sitting closer to the tongue and other half sitting closer to the outside. More...


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